ARBV continuing professional development webinars

Join the ARBV for a series of continuing professional development (CDP) webinars.

Upcoming webinars

CPD Webinar: Tackling common design issues with the State Building Surveyor

Please join us for a webinar on tackling common design issues with the State Building Surveyor – this webinar will address some common misunderstandings regarding design requirements and the obligations of an architect including:

  • completeness of building design when building permits are issued in stages;
  • common instances where building designs don’t contain sufficient details;
  • the architect’s obligations when their contract is novated to a builder.

This webinar will be presented by Frances Hall of Weir Legal and Consulting and by Steven Baxas who was last year appointed as the State Building Surveyor. Steve will speak about the role that the State Building Surveyor has in relation to building work, the issues he intends to address in that role and his views on these common design issues.

CPD Webinar: Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Venue: Online via Teams
Free event

We will be hosting this webinar as a Town Hall meeting - there is no requirement to register. Simply click this link to join(opens in a new window) at 12pm Wednesday 19 February 2025.

Past webinars

CPD Webinar: Deep Dive into D&C Procurement

This webinar was held in November 2024. Please note: watching this recording qualifies you for Informal CPD only.

Deep Dive into D&C Procurement
PDF 449.23 KB
(opens in a new window)

This is a seminar on D&C Procurement - a key risk identified in the ARBV’s recent Deep Dive Report into Systemic Risks in the Architecture Sector. In this seminar, Mei Yang (Associate at Plus Architecture) and Dariel De Sousa (Director, Dart Legal & Consulting) discussed:

  • the impact of D&C procurement on design and the delivery of architectural services
  • factors that contribute to adverse outcomes for architects in the D&C context
  • the impact of D&C contracts on the allocation of risk, liability and insurance
  • mechanisms that can mitigate adverse impacts of D&C procurement for architects

This seminar is the second in a series of four that the ARBV is running to share the findings and recommendations in the Deep Dive Report.

CPD Webinar: Roof Drainage for Low Pitched Metal Roofs

This webinar was held in October 2024. Please note: watching this recording qualifies you for Informal CPD only.

PPT Roof Drainage for Low Pitched Metal Roofs
PDF 8.02 MB
(opens in a new window)

The answer to CDP Question 1 was incorrect and has been corrected in the above PowerPoint attachment. This question related to preparing Performance Solutions in relation to SA HB 39 but failed to take into account an amendment to the Victorian Plumbing Regulations which occurred on 26 September 2023.

The ARBV was joined by Rowan Gregory of Preventative Structural Engineering on Wednesday 23 October to discuss roof drainage for low pitched metal roofs incorporating box gutter systems.

Rowan has been carrying out roof drainage designs as part of his work over a number of years and discussed:

  • Fundamentals of roof drainage to AS/NZS 3500.3-2021 Stormwater drainage code.
  • The Dam Buster roof drainage system and finding solutions for box gutter systems.
  • The importance of detailed documentation of roof drainage at building permit stage.
  • Understanding change of direction of box gutters.

CPD Webinar: Deep dive into client-architect relationships and agreements

This webinar was held in September 2024. Please note: watching this recording qualifies you for Informal CPD only.

PPT Deep Dive into client-architect agreements
PDF 440.05 KB
(opens in a new window)

The ARBV was joined by Dariel De Sousa on Wednesday 18 September to explore the findings of the Deep Dive Report into Systemic Risks in the Architecture Sector.

Dariel provided background about the systemic risks research and discussed:

  • What are systemic risks and why is the ARBV concerned about them?
  • An overview of the two systemic risks reports.
  • What is the purpose of the research?
  • How will the ARBV use the findings from the research?

The webinar also covers factors that affect client-architect relationships, communication between clients and architects, fee structures and report recommendations regarding education and training to enhance client-architect relationships.

The systemic risks and deep dive reports can be accessed on the ARBV's publications page. ARBV publications |

CPD Webinar: Guidance documents and tools for producing a compliant design

This webinar was held in June 2024. Please note: watching this recording qualifies you for Informal CPD only.

The ARBV was joined by the VBA to present a webinar on binding determinations and reference tools available for architects when producing compliant designs.

ARBV Webinar Binding determinations
PDF 1.7 MB
(opens in a new window)

Where designs are not coordinated between design consultants – the risks for Architects

This webinar was held in March and April 2024. Please note: watching this recording qualifies you for Informal CPD only.

This webinar provides an overview of the Building Act and National Construction Code requirements for a satisfactory building design in Victoria and how a lack of consultation between design consultants, including architects, engineers and fire safety consultants can result in non-compliant buildings and litigation regarding defects. We cover the reasons why design coordination and consultation might not occur at an early stage, what risks that poses to architects, how those risks could be avoided and the legislative changes to design liability that have occurred interstate and which may occur in Victoria.

PowerPoint Slides - Design Risks for Architects
PDF 1.34 MB
(opens in a new window)

The 2021 National Standard of Competency for Architects: The changes and how they affect architects

This webinar was held in December 2023. Please note: watching this recording qualifies you for Informal CPD only.

In this webinar session we will introduce participants to the update 2021 National Standards of Competency for Architects, including:

  • a brief background into the role of the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia and National Standards of Competency for Architects
  • features of the 2021 NSCA
  • how the NSCA applies to you
  • changes to the 2021 NSCA.

To find out more about the 2021 NSCA visit the AACA website(opens in a new window).

Webinar - NSCA 2021 changes
PDF 3.89 MB
(opens in a new window)

ARBV webinar – client architect agreements and partial services

This webinar was held in June 2023. Please note watching this recording qualifies you for Informal CPD only.

Gain valuable perspectives on contract terms, dealing with project scope creep, and special conditions specific to agreements, and learn from case studies of successful collaborations and challenges faced in partial service projects.

PowerPoint slides: Client Architect Agreements & Partial Services
PDF 1.12 MB
(opens in a new window)

How to manage client budgets and project costs

This webinar was held in November 2022. Please note watching this recording qualifies you for Informal CPD only.

PowerPoint slides: How to manage client budgets and project costs
PDF 1.09 MB
(opens in a new window)

Systemic risks in the Australian architecture sector

This webinar was held in February 2023. Please note watching this recording qualifies you for Informal CPD only.

PowerPoint slides - Systemic Risks in the Architecture Sector in Australia
PDF 340.13 KB
(opens in a new window)
