Message from the Chairperson and the CEO

We are pleased to present the Architects Registration Board of Victoria's (ARBV) Strategic Plan for 2022-2026.

This strategic plan will guide the ARBV's activities over the coming 4 years and how we prioritise our resources and activities to achieve the ARBV's mission.

The ARBV is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in the professional practice of architecture and engaging with architects, consumers and government to enhance the quality and safety of the built environment for all Victorians.

Between 2019 and 2022, the ARBV implemented several significant initiatives and improvements to enhance the regulatory oversight of architects and make it easier for the public and architects to interact with us. Over the next 4 years, the ARBV will build on this work and implement strategies focused on 4 long-term objectives:

• To support architects in the delivery of professional services for the benefit of the community and advancement of the industry.
• To build community understanding of the role of architects and the ARBV.
• To demonstrate ARBVs value as a trusted regulator, supporting the delivery of a high-quality built environment.
• To drive positive outcomes for consumers by promoting a professional culture of accountability among architects.

We are confident that this plan, supported by ongoing engagement with consumers and the industry, will allow the ARBV to deliver effective regulatory oversight of architects which meets the expectations of the Victorian community.

Dr Giorgio Marfella

Dr Glenice Fox
