
The Annual Report of the ARBV is prepared in accordance with all relevant Victorian legislations and pronouncements. This index has been prepared to facilitate identification of ARBV’s compliance with statutory disclosure requirements.

Appendix 1: Disclosure Index

LegislationRequirementPage Reference
Report of Operations
Year in Review
FRD 22Manner of establishment and responsible Minister8
FRD 22Nature and range of services provided9
FRD 22Objectives, functions, powers and duties8-11
FRD 22Performance Reporting (non-financial) - Achievements6-7
FRD 22Performance Reporting (non-financial) – Operational Performance13-31
FRD 22Performance Reporting (non-financial) – Key Initiative15-18
FRD 22Summary of the financial results for the year35-36
FRD 22Significant changes in financial position during the year36
FRD 22Major changes or factors affecting performance36
FRD 22Subsequent Events36
Governance and Organisational Structure
FRD 22Organisational structure and corporate governance37-40
FRD 22Board’s role and membership38-40
FRD 22Audit & Risk Committee membership39
FRD 22Board Committees39
FRD 22Employment and conduct principles37-40
Workforce Data
FRD 22Public sector values & employment principles42
FRD 22Occupational Health and Safety42
FRD 29/FRD 22Workforce data disclosures41
FRD 10Disclosure index90-91
Financial and Other Information
FRD 10Disclosure index90-91
FRD 21Disclosure of Responsible Persons, Executive Officers and other personnel84
FRD 22Subsequent Events85
FRD 103Non-financial physical assets73
FRD 106Impairment of Assets70
FRD 110Cash flow statements74
LegislationRequirementPage Reference
Other Disclosures as Required by FRD’s
FRD 25Local Jobs First44
FRD 22Government advertising expenditure44
FRD 22Details of consultancies over $10,00045
FRD 22Details of consultancies under $10,00045
FRD 22Disclosure of ICT expenditure45
FRD 12Disclosure of Major Contracts44
FRD 22Details of reviews and studies expenditure46-47
FRD 22Application and operation under the Freedom of Information Act 198248
FRD 22Compliance with Building Act 199350
FRD 22Statement on Competitive Neutrality Policy49
FRD 22Application of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 201249
FRD 24Reporting on office-based environmental impacts50
FRD 22Disclosure of Emergency Procurement51
FRD 22Disclosure of procurement complaints51
FRD 22Statement of availability of other information available on request51
FRD 22Asset Management Accountability Framework (AMAF) maturity assessment52
Compliance Attestation and Declaration
SD 5.1.4Attestation for Compliance with Ministerial Standing Directions4
SD 5.2.3Declaration in the Report of Operations4
Financial statements
SD 5.2.2Declaration in financial statements56
SD5.2.1(a)Compliance with Australian accounting standards and other authoritative pronouncements56
SD5.2.1(a)Compliance with Standing Directions56
Architects Act 19918
Freedom of Information Act 198248
Building Act 199350
Public Interest Disclosures Act 201249
Local Jobs First Act 200344
Financial Management Act 199463
Disability Act 200650
Public Administration Act 200442

Appendix 2: Acronyms

AACAArchitects Accreditation Council of Australia
ACAAssociation of Consulting Architects
AIAAustralian Institute of Architects
APEArchitectural Practice Examination
AMAFAsset Management Accountability Framework
ARBVArchitect Registration Board of Victoria
ArchiTeamArchiTeam Cooperative; a membership association for Australian architects working in small, medium, and emerging practices
CPDContinuing Professional Development
DTFDepartment of Treasury and Finance
DTPDepartment of Transport and Planning
FMCFFinancial Management Compliance Framework
FPPFit and Proper Person
FOIFreedom of Information
IBACIndependent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission
NSCAThe National Standard of Competency for Architects
NSW ARBNew South Wales Architects Registration Board
OHMOpen House Melbourne
PIIProfessional Indemnity Insurance
OVICOffice of the Victorian Information Commissioner
VCATVictorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
