Appendix 1: Disclosure Index
Legislation | Requirement | Page Reference |
Report of Operations | ||
Year in Review | ||
FRD 22 | Manner of establishment and responsible Minister | 8 |
FRD 22 | Nature and range of services provided | 9 |
FRD 22 | Objectives, functions, powers and duties | 8-11 |
FRD 22 | Performance Reporting (non-financial) - Achievements | 6-7 |
FRD 22 | Performance Reporting (non-financial) – Operational Performance | 13-31 |
FRD 22 | Performance Reporting (non-financial) – Key Initiative | 15-18 |
FRD 22 | Summary of the financial results for the year | 35-36 |
FRD 22 | Significant changes in financial position during the year | 36 |
FRD 22 | Major changes or factors affecting performance | 36 |
FRD 22 | Subsequent Events | 36 |
Governance and Organisational Structure | ||
FRD 22 | Organisational structure and corporate governance | 37-40 |
FRD 22 | Board’s role and membership | 38-40 |
FRD 22 | Audit & Risk Committee membership | 39 |
FRD 22 | Board Committees | 39 |
FRD 22 | Employment and conduct principles | 37-40 |
Workforce Data | ||
FRD 22 | Public sector values & employment principles | 42 |
FRD 22 | Occupational Health and Safety | 42 |
FRD 29/FRD 22 | Workforce data disclosures | 41 |
FRD 10 | Disclosure index | 90-91 |
Financial and Other Information | ||
FRD 10 | Disclosure index | 90-91 |
FRD 21 | Disclosure of Responsible Persons, Executive Officers and other personnel | 84 |
FRD 22 | Subsequent Events | 85 |
FRD 103 | Non-financial physical assets | 73 |
FRD 106 | Impairment of Assets | 70 |
FRD 110 | Cash flow statements | 74 |
Legislation | Requirement | Page Reference |
Other Disclosures as Required by FRD’s | ||
FRD 25 | Local Jobs First | 44 |
FRD 22 | Government advertising expenditure | 44 |
FRD 22 | Details of consultancies over $10,000 | 45 |
FRD 22 | Details of consultancies under $10,000 | 45 |
FRD 22 | Disclosure of ICT expenditure | 45 |
FRD 12 | Disclosure of Major Contracts | 44 |
FRD 22 | Details of reviews and studies expenditure | 46-47 |
FRD 22 | Application and operation under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 | 48 |
FRD 22 | Compliance with Building Act 1993 | 50 |
FRD 22 | Statement on Competitive Neutrality Policy | 49 |
FRD 22 | Application of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 | 49 |
FRD 24 | Reporting on office-based environmental impacts | 50 |
FRD 22 | Disclosure of Emergency Procurement | 51 |
FRD 22 | Disclosure of procurement complaints | 51 |
FRD 22 | Statement of availability of other information available on request | 51 |
FRD 22 | Asset Management Accountability Framework (AMAF) maturity assessment | 52 |
Compliance Attestation and Declaration | ||
SD 5.1.4 | Attestation for Compliance with Ministerial Standing Directions | 4 |
SD 5.2.3 | Declaration in the Report of Operations | 4 |
Financial statements | ||
SD 5.2.2 | Declaration in financial statements | 56 |
SD5.2.1(a) | Compliance with Australian accounting standards and other authoritative pronouncements | 56 |
SD5.2.1(a) | Compliance with Standing Directions | 56 |
Legislation | ||
Architects Act 1991 | 8 | |
Freedom of Information Act 1982 | 48 | |
Building Act 1993 | 50 | |
Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 | 49 | |
Local Jobs First Act 2003 | 44 | |
Financial Management Act 1994 | 63 | |
Disability Act 2006 | 50 | |
Public Administration Act 2004 | 42 |
Appendix 2: Acronyms
AACA | Architects Accreditation Council of Australia |
ACA | Association of Consulting Architects |
AIA | Australian Institute of Architects |
APE | Architectural Practice Examination |
AMAF | Asset Management Accountability Framework |
ARBV | Architect Registration Board of Victoria |
ArchiTeam | ArchiTeam Cooperative; a membership association for Australian architects working in small, medium, and emerging practices |
CPD | Continuing Professional Development |
DTF | Department of Treasury and Finance |
DTP | Department of Transport and Planning |
FMCF | Financial Management Compliance Framework |
FPP | Fit and Proper Person |
FOI | Freedom of Information |
IBAC | Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission |
NSCA | The National Standard of Competency for Architects |
NSW ARB | New South Wales Architects Registration Board |
OHM | Open House Melbourne |
PII | Professional Indemnity Insurance |
OVIC | Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner |
VCAT | Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal |