- Published:
- Tuesday 27 February 2024 at 2:00 pm

Are you looking to renovate or build a new home and have considered using an architect but don’t know where to start? The best way to truly appreciate the benefits of engaging an architect is to hear straight from the architects and clients themselves, and in the homes they’ve created together.
The Naked Architect arms consumers with in-depth knowledge about working with an architect on a residential renovation and/or new build. Hear about the architect/client experience of the design process and working together.
Series 4
The Rexroth Mannasmann Collective and Fowler and Ward along with their clients invite you to step inside the doors of their projects – dark house and Smith House.
S4 E1: dark house - watch now
dark house is a collaboration that responds to the garden-set suburban villa typology, the restoration of the existing dilapidated building fabric, sustainability considerations and the client’s present and future life stages.
Filming took place on Tuesday 5 March 2024

S4 E2: Smith House - watch now
Smith House provides access to sunshine in the living spaces and maintains the garden. The project demonstrates how working within an existing envelope and embracing character results in a delightful way of living without rebuilding.
Filming took place on Tuesday 19 March 2024

S4 E3: Huff'n'Puff Haus - watch now
Envirotecture and their clients invite you to step inside the doors of their project–Huff'n'Puff Haus.
Filming took place on Wednesday 28 August 2024.
The Naked Architect is presented by Open House Melbourne in partnership with the Architects Registration Board of Victoria and in association with ArchiTeam.