To work in Victoria, architects must be registered with the ARBV, and architectural companies and partnerships must be approved by the ARBV. This is a requirement of the Architects Act 1991. It's an important safeguard so the public can feel confident in the skills and experience of Victoria's architects.
Before you engage an architect, use the searchable database accessible through the link above to check that they are registered with the ARBV. Enter their name or the company name and click 'Search.'
Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) Practitioner Register
This separate register provides a list of practitioners working in Victoria under the AMR scheme. For further information on these practitioners you may be required to contact their home state jurisdiction.
Name | Registration type | Home State | ADR Practitioner Number | Conditions |
Marco Abbondanza | Practising | NSW | VIC00078 | Nil |
Caroline Adams | Practising | SA | VIC00059 | Nil |
Vince Alafaci | Practising | NSW | VIC00017 | Nil |
Adam Raffaele Albanese | Practising | SA | VIC00170 | Nil |
Melika Aljukic | Practising | NSW | VIC00062 | Nil |
Dinko Arar | Practising | NSW | VIC00172 | Nil |
Felipe Oliver Ayala Moreno | Practising | NSW | VIC00114 | Nil |
Timothy Mark Baker | Practising | WA | VIC00211 | Nil |
Jo-Anne Baruch | Practising | SA | VIC00045 | Nil |
Henry James Beeck | Practising | NSW | VIC00117 | Nil |
David Malcolm Bell | Practising | NSW | VIC00138 | Nil |
Kenneth William Bell | Practising | WA | VIC00092 | Nil |
Joel Leigh Benichou | Practising | WA | VIC00229 | Nil |
Gaurav Jitendra Bhatewara | Practising | NSW | VIC00144 | Nil |
Mark George Boffa | Practising | NSW | VIC00139 | Nil |
Stephen Ronald Booker | Practising | TAS | VIC00189 | Nil |
Dustin Leigh Brade | Practising | NSW | VIC00164 | Nil |
Murray Ernest Davis Britton | Practising | SA | VIC00212 | Nil |
Fiona Jeannie Campbell | Practising | NSW | VIC00121 | Nil |
Stuart Campbell | Practising | NSW | VIC00076 | Nil |
Harry Catterns | Practising | NSW | VIC00031 | Nil |
Adam Cavuoto | Practising | SA | VIC00009 | Nil |
Jeffrey Chi Fai Chan | Practising | NSW | VIC00208 | Nil |
Nicholas Christo | Practising | NSW | VIC00156 | Nil |
Jason Chung | Practising | NSW | VIC00193 | Nil |
David Clarke | Practising | NSW | VIC00026 | Nil |
Scott Alexander Colegate | Practising | SA | VIC00234 | Nil |
Bernard Collins | Practising | NSW | VIC00029 | Nil |
Jason Condon | Practising | NSW | VIC00030 | Nil |
Paul Cooksey | Practising | SA | VIC00027 | Nil |
Jaron Paul Coward | Practising | TAS | VIC00183 | Nil |
Mark Vincent Curzon | Practising | NSW | VIC00236 | Nil |
Gianni Rocky Da Rui | Practising | WA | VIC00202 | Nil |
Alexander De Belin | Practising | NSW | VIC00072 | Nil |
Maria Sheela Del Monte | Practising | NSW | VIC00184 | Nil |
Wasel Delawar | Practising | NSW | VIC00233 | Nil |
Mauricio Alejandro Diaz Miranda | Practising | NSW | VIC00157 | Nil |
Carlo Dottore | Practising | SA | VIC00021 | Nil |
Amy Dowse | Practising | NSW | VIC00171 | Nil |
Campbell Drake | Practising | NSW | VIC00042 | Nil |
Rodney Drayton | Practising | NSW | VIC00018 | Nil |
Cary Charles Duffield | Practising | SA | VIC00151 | Nil |
Andrew Duffin | Practising | NSW | VIC00024 | Nil |
Joshua James Duncan | Practising | WA | VIC00169 | Nil |
Petrus Du Preez | Practising | NSW | VIC00091 | Nil |
Karen Tracy du Toit | Practising | NSW | VIC00126 | Nil |
Matthew Eagle | Practising | NSW | VIC00084 | Nil |
Dimitrios Economos | Practising | SA | VIC00066 | Nil |
Nathan Harry Etherington | Practising | NSW | VIC00231 | Nil |
Libby Espie | Practising | TAS | VIC00058 | Nil |
Shayne Mark Evans | Practising | NSW | VIC00135 | Nil |
Wang Shyan Fang | Practising | NSW | VIC00013 | Nil |
Michael Ford | Practising | NSW | VIC00011 | Nil |
Thomas Ford | Practising | NSW | VIC00020 | Nil |
Matthew Fung | Practising | NSW | VIC00052 | Nil |
William Fung | Practising | NSW | VIC00071 | Nil |
Ryan Gates | Practising | TAS | VIC00061 | Nil |
Sergio Daniel Geuna | Practising | ACT | VIC00167 | Nil |
Lauren Gilbert | Practising | SA | VIC00124 | Nil |
Paul Gregory Gillett | Practising | SA | VIC00163 | Nil |
David Shannon Girolamo | Practising | SA | VIC00110 | Nil |
Charles George Glanville | Practising | NSW | VIC00069 | Nil |
Samantha Maree Goddin | Practising | NSW | VIC00090 | Nil |
Belinda Jane Goh | Practising | NSW | VIC00085 | Nil |
Joshua Goods | Practising | WA | VIC00207 | Nil |
David Brian Goodwin | Practising | NSW | VIC00226 | Nil |
Pieter Gerhardus Gouws | Practising | NSW | VIC00101 | Nil |
John Guthrie | Practising | NSW | VIC00063 | Nil |
William Harkness | Practising | TAS | VIC00116 | Nil |
Philip Norman Harris | Practising | SA | VIC00177 | Nil |
Robert Harrison | Practising | NSW | VIC00046 | Nil |
Benjamin Stewart Hewitson | Practising | SA | VIC00111 | Nil |
Gregory Hill | Practising | NSW | VIC00074 | Nil |
Shaun Zhi An Ho | Practising | NSW | VIC00155 | Nil |
Tim Hodges | Practising | SA | VIC00010 | Nil |
David Holland | Practising | SA | VIC00067 | Nil |
Matthias Jabez Hollenstein | Practising | NSW | VIC00088 | Nil |
Amelia Sage Holliday | Practising | NSW | VIC00225 | Nil |
Fred Holt | Practising | NSW | VIC00199 | Nil |
David Robert Homburg | Practising | SA | VIC00214 | Nil |
Gustavo Yuji Honda | Practising | NSW | VIC00181 | Nil |
Adam Hopkins | Practising | SA | VIC00087 | Nil |
Simon Mark Howard | Practising | NSW | VIC00146 | Nil |
Max Hu | Practising | NSW | VIC00160 | Nil |
Rowan Christopher Hukins | Practising | NSW | VIC00210 | Nil |
Sasha Ivanovich | Practising | NSW | VIC00075 | Nil |
Thomas Gordon Jarrett | Practising | SA | VIC00131 | Nil |
Paramalingam Jeyalingam | Practising | NSW | VIC00180 | Nil |
Darren Jones | Practising | TAS | VIC00050 | Nil |
Luke Jones | Practising | SA | VIC00041 | Nil |
Malcolm Donald Jones | Practising | WA | VIC00198 | Nil |
Nigel John Justins | Practising | NSW | VIC00174 | Nil |
Christos Christopher Katris | Practising | NSW | VIC00230 | Nil |
Dean Kensit | Practising | ACT | VIC00051 | Nil |
David Kilpatrick | Practising | SA | VIC00039 | Nil |
Christopher Jack Kotmel | Practising | NSW | VIC00192 | Nil |
Kaare Krokene | Practising | SA | VIC00152 | Nil |
William Lakin | Practising | WA | VIC00056 | Nil |
Shai Lambert | Practising | ACT | VIC00158 | Nil |
Vu Nguyen Le | Practising | SA | VIC00143 | Nil |
Xuan Le | Practising | NSW | VIC00195 | Nil |
Sarah Lebner | Practising | NSW | VIC00055 | Nil |
Dean Andrew Lewis | Practising | NSW | VIC00168 | Nil |
Mei Ning Lin | Practising | NSW | VIC00068 | Nil |
Elizabeth Mary Little | Practising | SA | VIC00097 | Nil |
Alan Grahame Logan | Practising | NSW | VIC00215 | Nil |
Richard John Thomas Loney | Practising | TAS | VIC00086 | Nil |
Michael Loubser | Practising | TAS | VIC00220 | Nil |
Bin Lu | Practising | NSW | VIC00224 | Nil |
Hanyu Lu | Practising | NSW | VIC00182 | Nil |
Neil Lunn | Practising | NSW | VIC00237 | Nil |
Ben Luppino | Practising | SA | VIC00025 | Nil |
Alastair MacCallum | Practising | ACT | VIC00064 | Nil |
Emma MacKellar | Practising | NSW | VIC00034 | Nil |
Neil Alexander MacKenzie | Practising | NSW | VIC00162 | Nil |
Jonathan Charles Mah-Chut | Practising | NSW | VIC00221 | Nil |
Rene Majewski | Practising | SA | VIC00115 | Nil |
Samir Malik | Practising | NSW | VIC00203 | Nil |
Jane Louise McDougall | Practising | TAS | VIC00099 | Nil |
Sean Patrick McGivern | Practising | WA | VIC00120 | Nil |
Martin Charles McGrane | Practising | NSW | VIC00112 | Nil |
Peter Angus McGregor | Practising | NSW | VIC00232 | Nil |
Gil McKenzie | Practising | TAS | VIC00036 | Nil |
Dean Edwin McPherson | Practising | ACT | VIC00148 | Nil |
Andrew Marlow | Practising | NSW | VIC00015 | Nil |
Lucia Virginia Marques Ayub | Practising | NSW | VIC00089 | Nil |
Carly Anne Martin | Practising | NSW | VIC00096 | Nil |
Lisa Martin | Practising | SA | VIC00040 | Nil |
Amelia Meares | Practising | NSW | VIC00153 | Nil |
Prudence Miller | Practising | NSW | VIC00006 | Nil |
Mina Mokhtarikondori | Practising | NSW | VIC00217 | Nil |
Andrew John Moore | Practising | ACT | VIC00141 | Nil |
Ian William Moore | Practising | NSW | VIC00187 | Nil |
Lois Morgan | Practising | NSW | VIC00204 | Nil |
Stephanie Jean Morgia | Practising | NSW | VIC00235 | Nil |
Michael Morony | Practising | NSW | VIC00002 | Nil |
Ashkan Mostaghim | Pracitsing | NSW | VIC00105 | Nil |
Hyun Kyu Nam | Practising | NSW | VIC00228 | Nil |
Rachel Neeson | Practising | NSW | VIC00038 | Nil |
Mehng Chir Ng | Practising | NSW | VIC00129 | Nil |
Thanh Nguyen | Practising | SA | VIC00104 | Nil |
Anthony Nolan | Practising | NSW | VIC00065 | Nil |
Daniel North | Practising | NSW | VIC00003 | Nil |
Sean Joziph O'Bryan | Practising | NSW | VIC00123 | Nil |
Danielle Kym O'Dea | Practising | SA | VIC00080 | Nil |
Paul O'Keefe | Practising | NSW | VIC00057 | Nil |
Shane William O'Riley | Practising | WA | VIC00127 | Nil |
Jet Rene O'Rourke | Practising | SA | VIC00119 | Nil |
Stephanie Ottavio | Practising | NSW | VIC00077 | Nil |
Troy Owen | Practising | SA | VIC00054 | Nil |
Joshua Oyeku | Practising | NSW | VIC00070 | Nil |
Irene Sison Pabustan | Practising | NSW | VIC00176 | Nil |
Sarah Jane Paddick | Practising | SA | VIC00159 | Nil |
Maxwell James Parker | Practising | SA | VIC00227 | Nil |
Pouneh Parsanejad | Practising | NSW | VIC00185 | Nil |
Agatha Partyka | Practising | TAS | VIC00191 | Nil |
Kate Elizabeth Paterson | Practising | NSW | VIC00200 | Nil |
Andrew Lain Pender | Practising | NSW | VIC00205 | Nil |
Craig Anthony Perrott | Practising | ACT | VIC00149 | Nil |
Ricci Maree Piper | Practising | NSW | VIC00238 | Nil |
Stuart Ward Piper | Practising | NSW | VIC00142 | Nil |
Adriano Piviali | Practising | WA | VIC00219 | Nil |
Fernanda Previato | Practising | NSW | VIC00001 | Nil |
Olya Prokopets | Practising | NSW | VIC00194 | Nil |
Jason Pruszinski | Practising | SA | VIC00043 | Nil |
David John Puleo | Practising | NSW | VIC00188 | Nil |
Hugo Edward Raggett | Practising | NSW | VIC00095 | Nil |
Mark Raggatt | Practising | NSW | VIC00044 | Nil |
Benjamin Gray Reid | Practising | NSW | VIC00206 | Nil |
Kyra Reznik | Practising | NSW | VIC00161 | Nil |
Jonathan Michael Richards | Practising | NSW | VIC00118 | Nil |
Ashley Charles Roberts | Practising | NSW | VIC00093 | Nil |
Damian Rogers | Practising | TAS | VIC00209 | Nil |
Timothy Edward Ross | Practising | SA | VIC00125 | Nil |
Marco Cubillos Ruiz | Practising | NSW | VIC00150 | Nil |
Paul Sarno | Practising | SA | VIC00128 | Nil |
Victor Schneider | Practising | NSW | VIC00165 | Nil |
Jad Silvester | Practising | NSW | VIC00132 | Nil |
Ursula Melinda Skellern-Gouws | Practising | NSW | VIC00108 | Nil |
Diana-Alexandra Slavescu | Practising | NSW | VIC00082 | Nil |
Benedict Slee | Practising | NSW | VIC00049 | Nil |
William John Smart | Practising | NSW | VIC00175 | Nil |
Shane Smede | Practising | NSW | VIC00012 | Nil |
Francois Sneeden | Practising | NSW | VIC00122 | Nil |
Sasha Solar-March | Practising | NSW | VIC00032 | Nil |
Ken Sonjes | Practising | NSW | VIC00094 | Nil |
Katherine Alice Stackpool | Practising | NSW | VIC00186 | Nil |
Richard Stafford | Practising | SA | VIC00023 | Nil |
Michael Burdett Standley | Practising | NSW | VIC00102 | Nil |
Kirsten Stanisich | Practising | NSW | VIC00136 | Nil |
Brian Steendyk | Practising | NSW | VIC00004 | Nil |
Ying Su | Practisting | NSW | VIC00222 | Nil |
Jeremy Leung Chin Koy Tack Shin | Practising | NSW | VIC00035 | Nil |
Claudia June Takada | Practising | NSW | VIC00173 | Nil |
Andrew John Talbot | Practising | NSW | VIC00100 | Nil |
Julian Cheng Keat Tan | Practising | WA | VIC00218 | Nil |
Nicole Taylor | Practising | NSW | VIC00178 | Nil |
Shae Nicole Taylor | Practising | SA | VIC00145 | Nil |
Philip Thalis | Practising | NSW | VIC00109 | Nil |
Linden Thorley | Practising | NSW | VIC00179 | Nil |
Nicolas Toubia | Practising | NSW | VIC00008 | Nil |
Truong Minh Quoc Uong | Practising | NSW | VIC00196 | Nil |
Andrew Robert van Zanten | Practising | SA | VIC00190 | Nil |
Stephen Varady | Practising | NSW | VIC00022 | Nil |
Scott Verdouw | Practising | TAS | VIC00060 | Nil |
Eduardo J Villa | Practising | NSW | VIC00106 | Nil |
Peter Ashton Walker | Practising | TAS | VIC00133 | Nil |
Xinyi Wang | Practising | NSW | VIC00083 | Nil |
Johnathon Ward | Practising | NSW | VIC00079 | Nil |
Dominic Warland | Practising | NSW | VIC00028 | Nil |
Michael E Warne | Practising | NSW | VIC00098 | Nil |
Heather Jane Wasley | Practising | SA | VIC00134 | Nil |
Jon Paul Webber | Practising | NSW | VIC00239 | Nil |
Ian Weir | Practising | WA | VIC00007 | Nil |
Robert Archie Weir | Practising | NSW | VIC00201 | Nil |
David Welsh | Practising | NSW | VIC00019 | Nil |
Elizabeth Marnie Westgarth | Practising | NSW | VIC00113 | Nil |
Matthew Gerard Paul Williams | Practising | TAS | VIC00140 | Nil |
Martin Williamson | Practising | SA | VIC00047 | Nil |
Georgina Harriette Wilson | Practising | NSW | VIC00223 | Nil |
Pouwel Frederik Wind | Practising | NSW | VIC00005 | Nil |
Yee Chwen Wong | Practising | SA | VIC00147 | Nil |
Richard Woods | Practising | SA | VIC00016 | Nil |
Ming-Yang Xu | Practising | NSW | VIC00216 | Nil |
Mark Brendon Young | Practising | WA | VIC00103 | Nil |
Thomas Oliver Stewart Young | Practising | NSW | VIC00166 | Nil |
Michael Yousef | Practising | NSW | VIC00213 | Nil |
Javad Zand | Practising | NSW | VIC00081 | Nil |
Steven Zappia | Practising | NSW | VIC00053 | Nil |
Elizabeta Helena Zarebski | Practising | WA | VIC00197 | Nil |
William Zuccon | Practising | NSW | VIC00033 | Nil |